Hebrew Is Written From Right To Left.
Therefor, This Is The Beginning Of The Book.
collage, printed matter
digital printing on paper
14 x 11 cm
In this project, I dived into my own family archive. I tried to understand what I was ashamed for as an immigrant child and what about my identity was berried together with my old surname ONOPRICHYCK ︎︎︎
The Hebraization of surnames is the process of adopting Hebrew family names, which was mainly common among Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants in Israel after the Israeli declaration of independence.
All the collages in this book were made from artis’s family photos and old newspapers.
The Hebraization phenomena were created to erase the remains of the «old life,» its Galuti parts and build a collective National identity. David Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, changed his surname from Grün to Ben-Gurion. Following that, he ordered to establish a «Committee for Hebrew Names» to assist and advise the choice of a new Hebrew name.